I worry about my parents and want to keep them independent...

A fall can change the quality of life for your parents and seriously affect your life as you take care of them after such an event.

In 2010, the average fall required an ER visit, a hospital stay, rehab, and post care often exceeding $19,000. In many cases portions of this cost were not covered by insurance. Aside from the cost, many falls resulted in loss of independence, inactivity, and even death.

Be proactive about helping your parents remain independent...

Reducing potential fall hazards and increasing safety while your parents perform daily activities eliminates anxiety and stress for you and increases your parents' quality of life.

Make My Home Fit can help you minimize your risk of falling!

It's all about preventing falls and mking your loved on independent. Use the Make My Home Fit  assessments to help make their home environment a safe one.

The Make My Home Fit Fall Prevention or Independence Assessment brings expert infomration to you as a customized summary of potential hazards and a range of potential solutions. for each.

The Independence Assessment goes a step further to include suggestions that help keep you safe as you care for your parents.

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